10 Easy Ways to Support AAC Awareness & Acceptance

We are almost halfway through AAC Awareness Month 2023 – but that means we still have half of the month to go!

As we've all evaluated our intentions and actions, we've no doubt discovered ways we can better encourage and support AAC communicators and their dedicated supporters.

But there are always new and innovative things we can do to take action and embrace communication opportunities for ourselves and others.

It may be something simple like following an AAC user on our social media feed to expand our perspectives and understanding. It may be as easy as watching a film or presentation about or involving AAC.

Or maybe something more robust is what we're looking for. Maybe courageously offering a communication board to local shop owners that they could display on their premises or delving into the latest AAC research.

There is no wrong way to support AAC when we sincerely take action to encourage communication and connection aiming to benefit communicators and teams.

If you're looking for a few ideas or want to share some with the people around you to motivate others, here are a few very simple ideas that might be just the thing.

Get a printable version of the image and share these tips with others in honor of AAC Awareness Month!!

10 Ideas to Support AAC Awareness Month