AAC Awareness -- and why it matters so much
October is AAC awareness month (always something we look forward to).
Around here, we sincerely LOVE any chance to talk about augmentative communication and remind people how important it is that EVERY person has a way to express themselves.
Sometimes people get stuck in a rut viewing AAC as just one other aspect of a speech therapy degree. They might view AAC as simply way to answer classroom questions, say what you want to eat, or express yes and no – and we'll be honest, that is part of it.
But when it really comes down to it, communication is about connections. It is about linking your life with the lives of people around you by sharing your thoughts, ideas, opinions, preferences, desires, frustrations, humors, experiences, and more. Every person should be able to feel that their thoughts matter and that they can be heard. That is the true beauty of AAC.
Yes, it's good to expand your vocabulary (and boy do we tout the value of core vocabulary).
Yes, it's incredible to be with someone as they speak their first word.
Yes, it's powerful to see growth over time and be able to celebrate it.
But why does it communication really matter?
The answer is easy – so that a person can clearly share who they are inside.
It's not about a word or an expression. It's about giving a person the confidence and the ability to let the world see who they are because who they are matters.
AAC is about helping voices be heard...and we love being part of that.
We hope you have a Happy AAC Awareness Month.