What's Yours? -- AAC Keys to Success
AAC in the Cloud 2021 is coming up fast – in fact, it's only about a month away. This year's theme, "Unlock the Possibilities" aims to remind people that solid communication is always a possibility and that with a bit of focus and effort incredible things can happen.
We know that great ideas and awesome suggestions are not limited to AAC in the Cloud sessions (although we guarantee you'll find incredible recommendations there).
So we're inviting EVERYONE in the AAC community to share their own ideas, suggestions, activities, successes, failures that taught lessons, goals, hints, tips, clues and everything in between to unlock the power of the community in encouraging AAC growth.
Just add your tip through this Google form and we'll create a graphic to get your tip in front of AAC users around the world. We'll share your name if you like (we'd love to help you become famous for your AAC prowess) or keep you anonymous if you prefer. These community shared thoughts have proven to be a favorite part of AAC in the Cloud year after year.
Add YOUR key to AAC success here
We believe in the power of community and we believe that these keys to AAC success can be a significant support to everyone working for communication triumph.