An incredible AAC conference

Last week, CoughDrop hosted a free AAC centered conference called AAC in the Cloud.

This event gathered AAC experts from across the nation and from many AAC backgrounds to engage attendees in two days of amazing information and learning.

There were sessions on core vocabulary, AAC funding, eye gaze, specific AAC features, using AAC at home, AAC for starting clinicians, how I communicate as an AAC user and more!

We had some seriously incredible presentations from some seriously incredible people in the field of AAC including Kate Ahern, Carole Zangari, Lucas Steuber, Rachael Langley, Anne Page, and Brian Whitmer just to name a few. Find the full AAC in the Cloud conference schedule here.

But if you missed the sessions when they were presented live, you aren't just out of luck. (We love a gift that keeps on giving.)

Starting immediately, if you visit our conference website at you can watch all recorded sessions by selecting the "schedule" tab and hitting the links for the presentations you'd like to see.

Yup, it's that easy.

As an added bonus, if you watch the sessions in the web site's player (NOT on YouTube) you can fill out a survey and receive a certificate of attendance for each session you watch in full. You can print your completed certificate which will compile all the credit for each full session you watch and complete the survey by hitting the "generate a certificate of attendance" button the home page of the conference website.

AAC in the Cloud has been a huge success (even if we do say so ourselves)! Any event that brings augmentative communication into the spotlight, even for a couple of days, is a really beautiful thing...and we're glad we had the chance to be part of it.

Keep an eye out for information on next years conference; we'd love to see you there!