The Countdown Starts: Thinking Outside the Device

In just a handful of day, AAC in the Cloud 2019 will go LIVE!


This year's conference is even more action packed and loaded with delicious augmentative and alternative communication flavored content than any previous year, and that's saying something.

When the topic of AAC comes up, often visions of communciation devices begin to dance in our heads -- and that's not exactly wrong. But with the conference this year, we wanted to take our thinking a step further and really push the boundaries.
We wanted to broaden the AAC perspective -- drive it out of the stigma that AAC is just a piece of equipment and broaden the theme of a communciation mindset and willingness to learn and progress.

AAC is an incredible thing and it encompasses a lot more than some buttons on a speech board.

Hopefully, you've already registered for tickets and you're planning to plunge into all the communication content that will be served up June 25-26 in this online event.

But, if you haven't gotten your tickets yet, don't worry, there's still time!!

Visit our conference website at and sign up today!

Not sure if this conference is really for you? Well, if you love AAC, we think it's the perfect fit. But don't take our word for it. Check out the dozens of AAC users, family members, and professionals who have chosen to share their AAC understanding and experience as part of this event.

Don't miss the AMAZING schedule we've managed to put together and start now to highlight which sessions you CAN'T MISS live and which you can follow up on later through the recorded version. There is an AAC topic here for EVERYONE!

Does waiting for June 25 & 26 make you anxious? Well, we can't have that. You can view sessions from the 2017 and 2018 AAC in the Cloud conferences here.

Seriously, don't miss this event. How often do you get to view serving after serving of great augmentative communication content for FREE from the comfort of your own couch? (I mean, with AAC in the Cloud it does happen every year, but you get what we're trying to say.)

Hope we'll see you there!