CoughDrop AAC free web training

Learning a new program can be overwhelming to say the least.

And grappling with a new program while also learning about life with AAC is even more of a challenge.

But at CoughDrop, we'd like to help you with that. That's why this summer we are running several FREE augmentative communication web training sessions open to ANYONE interested in learning the ins and outs of using CoughDrop.

Besides learning the basics of creating boards and personalizing buttons this webinar will also introduce you to dynamic CoughDrop features like logs of speech, usage reports, and the benefit of supervisor abilities. Learn how to share boards between users or message other members of the communication team (like teachers, parents, and therapists) all from within the app.

These webinars are open to all users and will help you delve into the world of AAC so it is a little less...well...overwhelming.

Register using the links below for a guided tour of this cloud based, team focused, user driven software that aims to help all voices be heard. Then sign up for a two month free trial of CoughDrop and put your knowledge to work.

Come in, and get to know us better. We think you'll like what you see.

Available Webinar Dates:

Sign Up NOW!!

June 30 @ 10 AM MDT

July 7 @ 11 AM MDT

July 21 @ 1 PM MDT

August 18 @ 2 PM MDT