CoughDrop Meets the Dedicated Speech-Generating Device
CoughDrop has met the dedicated speech-generating device, and it is a match unlike any other!
As you may know, CoughDrop and Forbes AAC have joined together as one to provide those who we serve with comprehensive AAC systems that meet the needs of each communicator through providing quality AAC software and hardware that is accessible and reliable.
CoughDrop is a modern and robust software designed with all AAC team members in mind.
- When facilitator and communication partner supports are in place and are combined with supports from professionals and communicator-appropriate AAC tools, positive AAC outcomes are possible, and when they are not, high rates of AAC rejection have been documented and are expected (Binger et al., 2012).
CoughDrop features several tools to facilitate AAC team buy-in and collaboration, including:
- data tracking and comprehensive reports
- goal setting and progress monitoring
- secure messaging
- video recording
- remote modeling
- and much more!
CoughDrop is home to a wide range of page sets, including the newly designed CoreWord Language System which features dynamic vocabulary layouts that automatically change as the communicator makes selections.
- Once a word has been selected, the layout updates to show only words that are likely to be used next. By offering these next words in plain view and removing unwanted vocabulary, communicators do not have to waste time and energy searching for their next words, ensuring maximum efficiency with a minimal learning curve.
The CoreWord Language System facilitates language development while making AAC functional and engaging. It is available in different sized grid sets to meet each communicator’s needs.
The software is only one side of a comprehensive AAC system. What about the hardware to run CoughDrop?
CoughDrop can run in any web browser and as an app on any phone, tablet, or computer you can purchase off-the-shelf. However, off-the-shelf devices require an àl la carte purchase of any necessary accessories and lack durability, among other things that are critical to the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of AAC.
Stop searching high and low for necessary accessories and worrying about the communicator damaging the AAC hardware! A dedicated speech-generating device (SGD) from Forbes AAC is the answer! Dedicated SGDs have many benefits, including:
- extended warranties and repair coverage
- durability against throws and drops
- water resistant
- funded by insurance
- supports all access methods, including direct (touch, eye gaze, joystick) and indirect (scanning)
- readily available needed accessories, such as mounting plates, speakers, kickstands, touchguides, and keyguards
- integrated environmental controls to interact with the TV, smart light bulbs, voice activated technology, and more
Already have a CoughDrop account and want to purchase a dedicated SGD? Keep using CoughDrop and seamlessly transition to the dedicated SDG when it arrives! Need to send your communicator’s dedicated SGD in for repair? Log in to their CoughDrop account on any device to provide uninterrupted access to their customized page set while their SGD is being repaired!
Enhance collaboration on your communicator’s AAC team and provide your communicator with an effective, efficient, robust, reliable, and durable AAC system with CoughDrop on a ProSlate or WinSlate!
Want a dedicated SGD? Contact your local Forbes AAC Assistive Technology Specialist to get the process started TODAY!

Binger, C., Ball, L., Dietz, A., Kent-Walsh, J., Lasker, J., Lund, S., McKelvey, M., & Quach, W. (2012). Personnel Roles in the AAC Assessment Process. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 28(4), 278–288.