Introducing CommuniKate 20 for CoughDrop

We're excited to announce a new board set for CoughDrop! Kate McCallum and Joe Reddington have been working on releasing an open-licensed board set called CommuniKate based on Kate's fifteen years of AAC experience. The current version is a 4x5 grid of buttons with an impressive degree of depth and flexibility.

Try out the new board set for yourself!
When we first heard about this new board set we couldn't wait to get it included in CoughDrop. Kate was gracious enough to build a version specifically for CoughDrop and leveraged some of the additional open-licensed symbols we offer. There are 96 boards in all with a total of 1,363 buttons, and the whole set is publicly available -- which means that unless your browser is getting a little dated you can [check it out for yourself right now](!

If you like it, you can favorite it so others can find it more easily, or set it as your home board in CoughDrop to start using it today. Since everything is under a Creative Commons license you can not only use it a communication set, but also make changes and even republish those changes for others to benefit from, just make sure to include proper attribution. Also you can export the full board set using the new open board format for use outside of CoughDrop. Yay for openness!

As always, we welcome any feedback, and we'll continue to work with Kate and team to keep this board set as useful and helpful as possible.