Printable AAC Posters for Back-to-School

It's almost time to head back to school, and there are sooooo many things to do to get ready.

Supplies have to be purchased, lessons have to be prepped, classrooms have to be set up, and who wouldn't love a bit of help to get it all done?

That's why this year, CoughDrop has created 5 -- count 'em, 5 -- FREE printable posters to encourage AAC communication in the classroom, the therapy room, the family room, and everywhere else on the planet (or in the universe, we're willing to think big).

We also recently released a short AAC video called "Splash" focused on presuming competence -- an essential concept for anyone connected with AAC in education or any other place.

Best of luck as you head back to life with young learners. What you do is incredible, and we hope to support you as you help students find their voice.

Go team #AAC!


Happy Back-to-School!

(Click each poster preview to reach a printable version of the poster)

5 Keys to Great Modeling

AAC Subway Art

Your Voice Matters

AAC in Education

AAC F.A.I.L Poster


(maybe we should work on our counting because that's 6 posters, not just 5)

Printable Core Vocabulary Board