Updated Account Options for AAC Users & Supporters
Winston Churchill said, "To improve is to change." Change is an essential part of growth and at CoughDrop we've been doing some growing lately.
World conditions and user requests caused us to re-evaluate our account options to better meet the needs of AAC users, supporters, and teams.
CoughDrop now offers four distinct account options so that you can choose the one that best fits your needs.

Communicator Account:
The communicator account options is essentially identical to previous communicator options. This fully functioning account is intended for use by a communicator and family or team. The account allows a person to create new speech boards and buttons, produce and review communication logs and reports, use cloud-extra features like goal setting and messaging, adjust preferences, use premium voices and more. Communicator accounts have unlimited access to all AAC functions within CoughDrop. These accounts can be purchase for $200 for a lifetime account or $6 monthly.
Modeling Account:
A modeling account is meant to be used by an AAC supporter working with a paid communicator account. Modeling accounts remain free forever and can be connected to one or more communicator accounts so that an AAC supporter can model words and phrases directly from the communicator's language set. These accounts can be accessed on multiple devices and will allow a user to engage basic speech boards as well as any board within the account of their connected communicator. Modeling accounts cannot create new language sets or make changes to speech boards, buttons, or settings so they are a great option for AAC supporters who may not need additional access. These accounts come at no cost.
Supervisor Account:
A supervisor account gives an AAC supporter access to creating speech boards and buttons as well as adjusting account settings and preferences for a communicator they supervise. These accounts allow access to additional functions intended to help a supervisor support the AAC user. Supervisor accounts can link to and oversee multiple communicator accounts but can also stand alone if needed (although there are some limitations when the account is not linked to a paid AAC communicator). Supervisor accounts do not generate their own logs and reports, however, supervisors can easily view the logs and reports of communicators they supervise. These accounts can be purchased for a one time fee of $25.
Evaluator Account:
Evaluation accounts have been created to support AAC teams who are working to determine if CoughDrop is the right fit for an AAC communicator. These accounts function much like a communicator account and can even request access to premium voices if needed. Because the account can be "leant" out to one communicator at a time on a trial basis, the account is programmed to "reset" back to particular default once the trial period is over for that communicator. This means that speech boards and buttons created specifically for one communicator are automatically cleared before the account is assigned to help evaluate a new communicator (although those boards can be copied to the new communicator account if that user moves forward with CoughDrop). Evaluator accounts can be purchased for a one time fee of $25.
It is our hope that these new account options will make AAC usage more accessible and functions more clear for communicators and teams working to build language.
We firmly believe in the strength and importance of communication and we know that sometimes we need change to make things even better. We look forward to continuing to grow CoughDrop into a powerful and effective communication solution for AAC users everywhere.