Go Team! Creating an AAC community
Generally speaking, those who become partners with augmentative or alternative communication do so because someone they care about needs support. AAC assistive solutions are a powerful way to engage the thoughts and ideas of a person whose voice might be hard to hear without technology.
But successful AAC use is MUCH more than just handing a device to a struggling communicator and expecting them to tap out their inner most feelings. Successful AAC users need a team.
An enthusiastic parent who models and encourages use of AAC can be undermined by a teacher who is unwilling to do the same. An incredible therapist engaging AAC during therapy can’t make nearly as much progress unless the family also climbs on board and communicates using the technology at home.
If each person – parent, sibling, teacher, therapist, technician, friend– chooses to reach in and grab their own piece of AAC pie, pretty quick the communicator will be surrounded by reinforcement, assistance, and support and will know they are not alone on this journey.
Communication is powerful, and being a part of the group that makes it happen is a beautiful thing.
Because AAC is not a one man show.
Successful communication takes a team -- and there is no “i” in team…(or in CoughDrop).
A Few Simple Ideas to Get Your AAC Team Going
*For a basic view of the role of each member of the AAC team, take a peek at this handy handout.
*Things to think about as a parent for your child entering the AAC world