Let's Launch!!
Something big is going on around here, and we can't wait to tell you about it.
Our vision is to support communication by improving the world of AAC (never heard of AAC? Check out the video at the bottom), and we're thrilled about our latest step in that direction.
[Just over a year ago](GHOST_URL/coughdrop-beta-is-now-open/" target="_blank) CoughDrop was released in beta . Even in its original beta program we were pretty excited about it, but we knew there'd be a lot of changes still to make. We used the beta period to collect tons of user feedback and make sure we understood how people really wanted to use the app.
Although we worked hard from the get-go to make [CoughDrop](https://www.mycoughdrop.com/?ref=blog" target="_blank) a team focused, functional AAC app the feedback from our initial users guided and pushed us to make the program even better. We want to send a huge shout out to every person who suggested, proposed, questioned, and even complained. Your insights helped us mold CoughDrop into the powerful and friendly AAC app it is today.

Now, after 14 months of working, adjusting, coding, testing, and tweaking we are excited to announce that CoughDrop is going live! In addition to being available on any web browser, you can now find CoughDrop on the [App Store](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/coughdrop/id1021384570/" target="_blank) and [Google Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mycoughdrop.coughdrop" target="_blank). If you were waiting for some kind of official release before joining us, then today's the day for you.
That’s right, we’re ready to fully launch to the public and get CoughDrop out into the AAC world to benefit communicators and bring their voices out of the silence.
But that doesn’t mean we’re through listening – not by a long shot. We hope those who dive into CoughDrop will continue to keep in touch and let us know if they have concerns or ideas to make this program even better. We are determined to change the face of AAC by raising the bar in what a communication app can do.
We’re pretty proud of what [CoughDrop has become](GHOST_URL/hello-my-name-is-coughdrop/" target="_blank).
And what is it?
Simply put – a cloud based, community focused, cross-platform, communication system that we hope will give a voice to every person who needs one.
Because we believe every voice should be heard.
Learn more at [mycoughdrop.com](https://www.mycoughdrop.com/?ref=blog" target="_blank), or check out the official launch video below:
[Twitter](https://twitter.com/CoughDropAAC" target="_blank)
[Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/CoughDropAAC/" target="_blank)